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Indulge in Fitness for a Good Cause
Join our community of giving back to ourselves and others through exercise, healthy eating, and wellness. We sweat for – women, men’s health, freedom, the environment, care for animals, kids happiness, curing cancer, hunger, helping homeless, veterans, Alzheimer’s research, and more- we Sweat for Smiles.
Sweat for Smiles is an organization which hosts themed fitness parties for charity. We strive to inspire busy fitness-minded individuals to take the time to indulge in fitness for a good cause. Our parties are simple and fun ways for fitness fanatics to give back to themselves with a new trendy workout as well as give back to our community by spreading awareness of – or giving a donation to – a good cause.
You’re invited to and sign-up for our FIT It In! Email Newsletter and follow our blog as we share our ideas on the top trends in fitness, including our favorite healthy sips and bites, tips from influential fitness experts, invigorating workouts, and fitness style trends.
Whether you attend our parties, get our emails, or follow us socially, we sweat for many good causes.
We Sweat for Smiles. #WeSweatFor
Partner with us
We welcome sponsorships of upcoming events, raffle contributions, brand ambassador interests, marketing affililate interest and more.
Sweat for Smiles is a small act of kindness that inundated all of us together. It’s like doing a little bit of good in The City and these little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.
Karina Blackwood
Yoga, Health and Wellness Professional