We are all going through challenges now, in the time of Covid 19, and there are many causes in need of support. The following are 6 charities and causes recommended by fitness and wellness pros and friends of Sweat for Smiles.
Help Support Our Frontline Heroes: “100% of donations here will be used to buy food/coffee from local businesses/restaurants to deliver to the ER staff (doctors, nurses, techs, therapists, janitorial workers) during shifts, as well as to buy more critical supplies for staff.” Recommended by @SweataLittleGlitter.
A Million Masks: “A Million Masks is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to secure emergency Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for frontline hospital workers in New York City.” Recommended by Jenna Muller
I’ll Be There Project: “The I’ll Be There Project has been created as a forum to spread acts of kindness throughout the world and inspire others to join in a movement of collective compassion.” Recommended by @MaraGabrielle
Sakhi: Sakhi is committed to serving survivors of violence “through a combination of efforts including—but not limited to—direct services, advocacy and organizing, technical assistance, and community outreach.” Recommended by Rita Kakati-Shaw of UMA.
World Central Kitchen: The World Central Kitchen in Bronx, NY aims to feed 5000 people per day.
American Red Cross: The American Red Cross is facing a severe blood shortage. Make an appointment to donate blood HERE.
Have any additional suggestions? Please message me if you have a charity / good cause that you recommend we add to this list.