Sore not sorry!!! Hands up if you like rolling out your soreness with a foam roller, or massage ball. I’ve made it a goal of mine to take the time to do this the day after every intense workout.
According to Elizabeth Tretter, super star fitness instructor (aka @sweatalittleglitter), It’s important to be gentle with sore muscles but gently applying pressure to your soreness and rolling over it is “absolutely one of the best ways to break down the lactic acid that is accumulated in their muscle”.
Epsom salt is also great. Elizabeth recommends doing “a light stretch just to prep the tissue and then roll away”.

If you have T Spheres, pop them in the microwave so you can warm them up. That feels so good on sore muscles a days or so post-workout!
Need to ice it? Cool it down in the freezer and use it as a rolling ice pack. Check out our special Sweat for Smiles SHOP & GIVE PERK on T Spheres!
Happy rolling! #IndulgeSweatGive